Imperfections that become Perfection!

I love to write! Stories flow threw my mind like a never-ending Nas Car Race!

But like any Nas Car Race, they fly by so fast I have a hard time getting a good picture of them on my camera, or in this case my head!

I’ve tried to write like three different times this past week but every time I start, I look at what I’ve written and thought it’s unworthy or stupid, causing me to quickly erase it all and walk away.

Which got me thinking………

Do we find ourselves so unworthy or stupid at times that we just walk away and try to erase the flaws and imperfection we see in ourselves??????

Interesting thought huh?!

God says we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalms 139:14-16)! How AMAZING is that! God took the time to create every piece of you! He designed your eyes to be the perfect shade! He gave your hair that perfect color, just for you! He created your entire body deliberately! And if you’ve studied anatomy at all, your body is one amazing piece of machinery!! NO JOKE!! And God created each and every piece of you just the way it’s supposed to be, on the outside and the inside!!!

Also here’s another interesting thought, if the world was perfect and everyone was “perfect” how….let I find the word……MUNDANE! and HORRIFIC! WOULD THAT BE????!!!

I mean think about! What are some of the best memories of life made of??!

They were moments that were “UNPLANNED” that were IMPERFECT, that caused something PERFECTLY SPECTACULAR to happen!!!!!!!!!

Because that’s life and that’s the way God designed it!!!

God uses IMPERFECTION to show PERFECTION! Every time God uses someone it’s not because they are perfectly strong for what he needs to be done. No, it’s because they’re imperfect and weak and He wants to be able to show his awesome power through them, through YOU!

What a cool thought huh?!!! My “Scars” are a tool on the shelf Gods just waiting to use! We just have to let God use them! So people can have everlasting life threw Christ Jesus, God’s Son who died on the cross for you and me alike!!

We may find ourselves unworthy or stupid. But that’s only because, we are only focusing on how terrible we think our flaws are and not how amazing it would be to have God use OUR “Scars”, “Broken Hearts”, and “Clumsy Feet” to bring people to Christ!!!!!

Now don’t let your “Story of Life” fly by, because all you focus on is how terrible your flaws are. But let God use your weaknesses to become awesome and wonderful masterpieces that could {and} be used to bring honor and glory to God!!!!

Let your scars become beautiful threw Christ!

God Bless!

Love Muchly,

Music of the Heart 17

4 Comments Add yours

  1. This reminds me so much of a interview i watched years ago of the guitarist Slash from the band Gun’s N Rose’s . He was saying how hard he worked on an album and alot of the songs he worked on were so complicated to make and very frustrating. He spent day’s , hours on end and then he said one day while sitting on his sofa he began just messing around with his guitar literally just toying with it . It was nothing serious at all and not even complicated what he was toying with . The lead singer of the band named Axl Rose heard what he was playing on the guitar and immediately ran up stairs and said …. KEEP PLAYING THAT ! It was the intro to their song Sweet Child of mine . It became one of their biggest hit Slash said and was so easy to make . Sometimes we feel it all needs to be perfect but in fact it just needs to flow . Awesome article.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow! That’s very inspiring and amazing to hear! I love it when readers share things like that!! If you have any questions I’m always open! Keep reading😉😁!!!!!


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